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When God offers forgiveness-Syaaban is the moon filled with some advantages as stated in some legit hasih. Our practices are lifted and presented to Allah swt in this month.Usamah Ibnu Zaid ra asked rasulullah saw: ' O Rasulullah, I have never seen you many fasting in a month like the master of fasting in syaaban.'

He replied: ' Syaaban is a month that is often taken through most people who are flanked rejab and Ramadan. He is also the moon that is lifted in it all practices to the Hadrat of the Lord of the worlds. So I love it if my is lifted in the condition I am fasting.' (hr Ahmad and NASA ' I)Saidatina Aisyah tells rasulullah saw to complete a full month fasting in Ramadan and very much fasting in syaaban. (hr Bukhari and Muslim)More special with a night that Allah swt gives with forgiveness offer from Allah swt.

The night was known as the half-month night of syaaban or called the night of nisfu syaaban.From You ' AZ jabal ra of Prophet saw said: Allah visited his servant on the night of nisfu syaaban and forgave all his creatures except the one who loved God and the people who are still fighting and fighting. (hr ibnu hibban and tabarani)A friend of Prophet saw named ' ulbah zaid harithah ra, when he did not have anything to do because he was too poor when prophet saw encouraged his friend to give his wealth as much as he could, he said: I can only give charity with my which means he forgives all the mistakes of others Against Him and drop his rights to the person. Rasulullah saw said: ' your charity is accepted.' (the book of al-Isobah)So when asked, what was the best practice of the night?

The answer is to forgive each other, strengthening the saf of fellow Muslims and looking for a point of unity.The Muslims in this country must seize the offer of Allah swt's forgiveness by strengthening the unity of fellow Muslims and working on peace and unity of fellow Muslims.This is the Sunnah of Rasulullah saw. His majesty is quick to solve the problems of Muslims until unity can be maintained.

Sahl Ibnu said ra tells the quba people ' misunderstanding until throwing each other's stones. So quickly prophet saw said, ' go with us to reconcile them.' (hr Bukhari)At the same time, it is not wrong to be in a relationship with non-Muslims. The assessment that should be clear in the mind of Muslims is if Muslims can be in a relationship with the people who reject Allah swt as God and do not recognize Prophet Muhammad saw as the apostle of the end of time, what is the reason to not be able to be kind with his same friends - The same faith in Allah swt, the same admits rasulullah saw as the messenger of Allah even praying facing the one qibla.Working on the unity of Muslims is God's work in the Qur ' an. The Word of ALLAH SWT: ' there is no goodness in most of their whispers, except for those who ask to charity or do good or reconcile between people.

And whoever does that by seeking the grace of God, we will surely give him a great reward.' (Al-Nisa ': 114)The Unity of fellow Muslims is a sign of the love of Allah swt to us.

Doers lil alamin transformed in the unity of fellow Muslims, while those who reject it, will also reject the concept.The word of Allah swt that ends with the words of 'rahmah' should be blessed by Muslims: 'Only the believers are brothers then fix the relationship of brotherhood between your brothers, be wary hopefully you will be blessed' (Al-Hujurat: 10)#SalamSyaaban#LepasSyaabanRamadhan#PrayForMalaysia#PerintahKawalanPergerakkan#HapusCovid19. Bee Honey is a nutritious honey and has high market value. The benefits of bee honey including scars, good for diabetes, treating eye pain and others. This bee honey is produced by bee bees.Polifenolik (Antioxidants) content in bee honey is 10 times higher than regular honey honey.

In addition, bee honey is also very potential to prevent chronic diseases.What is the benefits of honey bee honey??✅ the cure of natural wounds✅ Good for diabetes✅ can be used to treat eye pain✅ is antikanser✅ Good for fertility✅ can reduce weightSmemamgnya Bee Honey has great nutrients. That's why you should practice it. LEPAS MAGHRIB NI ADALAH MALAM ISRAK DAN MIKRAJIsrak dan Mikraj mewakili kedua-dua bahagian perjalanan nabi. Israk adalah sebahagian daripada perjalanan nabi Muhammad s.a.w, yang di ambil dari Mekah ke Jerusalem selepas Jibrail datang kepadanya dengan Buraq, iaitu kuda para nabi. Menggunakan Buraq, nabi Muhammad menunggangnya ke masjid paling jauh di Jurusalem di mana dia mengikat kuda di Gunung Tokong dan berdoa. Di sinilah Jibrail membawa arak, air dan susu, meminta nabi M. Uhammad untuk memilih salah satu sebagai ujian.

Jibrail memberitahu beliau bahawa pilihannya susu menandakan bahawa nabi Muhammad memilih berdasarkan naluri semula jadi. Mikraj adalah peringkat kedua perjalanan nabi Muhammad di mana dia menunggang Buraq melalui tujuh peringkat syurga dan berdialog dengan Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Musa, Nabi Yusuf dan Nabi Isa.

Pada langit ketujuh, Nabi Muhammad dibawa ke pokok suci yang yang tidak dapat di lepasi oleh malaikat Jibrail.Di sinilah Allah berfirman kepada nabi Muhammad bahawa umat Islam mesti menunaikan solat 50 kali setiap hari, tetapi Musa mencadangkan beliau menjelaskan bagaimana perkara itu sukar bagi sesetengah orang. Allah s.w.t kemudian mengurangkannya kepada lima kali sehari.

Perjalanan Malam secara ringkas disebut dalam al-Quran, tetapi butiran cerita terdapat di dalam hadis tambahan berkaitan kehidupan Nabi Muhammad.Peristiwa ini dikenali sebagai perjalanan Nabi atau Perjalanan Malam. Di Seluruh Malaysia, lampu di nyalakan di sepanjang malam menyambut Israk dan Mikraj. Lampu elektrik dan lilin digunakan untuk menerangi bandar-bandar. Doa dibacakan sepanjang malam bagi mengingati perjalanan Nabi Muhammad.

Di seluruh Malaysia, ceramah dan acara diadakan di masjid-masjid sambil di alunkan bacaan dari Al-Quran, terutama dari Surah al-Isra ‘yang menceritakan kisah Perjalanan Malam. Perlaksanaan cuti bermula pada matahari terbenam pada hari sebelumnya.Peristiwa ini dianggap penting dalam kepercayaan orang Islam dan memperingati salah satu peristiwa yang paling penting dalam sejarah Islam. Selain menghadiri acara khas sempena hari cuti, ahli keluarga berkumpul dan menceritakan kisah perjalanan nabi Muhammad kepada kanak-kanak. Kebiasaaanya, cerita meliputi hikmah apa ertinya menjadi Muslim, apa maknanya dengan kepercayaan mereka dan butiran tambahan mengenai peristiwa kenabian itu.ALHAMDULILLAHLGM3GUZEER.

After Maghrib this is the night of israk and mikrajIsrak and mikraj represent both parts of the Prophet's journey. Israk is a part of the journey of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, which was taken from Mecca to Jerusalem after the jibrail came to him with buraq, which is the horse of the prophets.

Using Buraq, Prophet Muhammad it to the most distant mosque in jurusalem where he tied horses in the mountain of tokong and prayed. This is where jibrail brings wine, water and milk, asking Prophet Muhammad to choose one as a test. Jibrail told him that his choice of milk marks that Prophet Muhammad chose based on natural instincts.Mikraj is the second stage of the journey of Prophet Muhammad where he rode buraq through seven stages of heaven and dialogue with Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Musa, Prophet Yusuf and Jesus. In the seventh sky, Prophet Muhammad was brought to the holy tree that the angel of jibrail could not be through.This is where God says to Prophet Muhammad that Muslims must perform prayers 50 times every day, but Moses suggests he explains how it is difficult for some people. Allah s.w.t then it to five times a day. The night journey is simply mentioned in the Quran, but the details of the story are in the additional hadith related to the life of Prophet Muhammad.This event is known as the journey of the prophet or the night trip. All over Malaysia, the lights are turned on all night celebrating israk and mikraj.

Electric lights and candles are used to illuminate cities. Prayers are recited all night to remember the journey of Prophet Muhammad. All over Malaysia, talks and events are held in mosques while in the the reading of the al-Quran, especially from Surah Al-Isra ' which tells the story of the night trip. The implementation of the holiday begins at the sunset on the day before.This event is considered important in the faith of Muslims and remembering one of the most important events in the history of Islam. In addition to attending a special event in conjunction with holiday, family members gather and tell the story of Prophet Muhammad's journey to children. Kebiasaaanya, the story covers the wisdom of what it means to be Muslim, what it means with their faith and additional details about the prophetic event.Thank GodLgm3 Guzeer. PENTING KE IMUN DALAM BADAN???Imunisasi sebenarnya beri kita kekebalan tubuh secara buatan dengan pembentukan antibodi sehingga melindungi badan kita juga masyarakat sekitarnya daripada penyakit berbahaya.Imunisasi ni pulak bertujuan untuk melindungi diri kita daripada penyakit tertentu yang boleh dicegah dengan pemberian imunisasi sampai rasa sakit itu kurang, reda dan dapat dibasmi secara menyeluruh.PENTING KAN IMUN??MANA NAK DAPAT IMUNISASI NI SELAIN MENGAMBIL VAKSIN DI HOSPITAL???BUKAN ADMIN ANTI VAKSIN TAU!!

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Sukakanlah kamu, tiada dinding antaraKu dan antarakau”.(dari kitabRaudatul Ifkar)Puasa pada 27 bulan Rejab seperti berpuasa enam puluh bulan pahalanya. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمتَحَصَّنَا بِذِى الْعزَّةِ وَالْجَبَرُوْتِ وَاعَتَصَمْنَا بِرَبِّ الْمَلَكُوْتِ وَتَوَكَّلْنَا عَلَى الْحَيِّ الَّذِى لاَ يَمُوْتُ اللّهُمَّ اصْرِفْ عَنَّا هَذا الْوَبَاءَ وَقِنَا شَرَّ الرَّدَى وَنَجِّنَا مِنَ الطَّعْنِ والطَّاعُوْنِ وَالْبَلاَءِ بِلُطْفِكَ يَا لَطِيفُ يَا خَبِيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيْرٌ وَصَلَّى اللهُ عَلَى سَيْدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَالْحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينKami berlindung dengan Tu. Han yang memiliki keagungan dan kekuasan, dan kami berlindung dengan Tuhan yang Memiliki alam gaib, dan kami bertawakal kepada Tuhan yang hidup lagi yang tidak mati, ya Allah jauhkan lah kami daripada wabak ini dan taun, dan segala bala, (kami mohon) dengan ihsan Mu wahai Tuhan yang Maha Lemah Lembut lagi Maha mengetahui sesungguh Engkau diatas setiap sesuatu amat berkuasa. Ketahuilah bahawasanya kemenangan itu akan terhasil selepas merasai kesabaran dan kejayaan pula akan tercapai selepas merasai kegagalan. Ingatlah, manusia yang pernah merasai betapa peritnya sebuah kegagalan pastinya akan lebih mengecapi manisnya sebuah kejayaan.

Berbanding manusia yang mengecapi manisnya sebuah kejayaan tanpa didahului dengan kegagalan. Kemanisan dapat juga dirasai tetapi tidak semanis manusia yang pernah merasai kegagalan. Sesungguhnya tiada manusia yang tidak pernah merasai kegagalan.

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