Alicia Online Updates

Do please fix your breeding systems,For NO player and I mean NO GOD. DAMN PLAYER is comfortable or even fun to waste over 100k carrots trying to breed a special horse just for the stupid achievements, I have been trying to breed a pony over like Half a year now, and e v e r y Single time there's a baby with 41kg the next one will ALWAYS be over 45kg again. I am giving up on this game and probably not comming back until christmas to check updates and so on, this game as good graphics and races/etc. But the breeding system sucks and it makes it very hard for most of the players. Happy Easter Alicians!To celebrate Easter, we're introducing three new pet colors to the game!

You can now hatch and collect new cheerful chickens, sassy snakes, and bedazzling bugs!During the Easter Event, there is a higher chance for eggs to appear on the tracks, because Easter is the time to go egg hunting! Also, during the event, you will be able to install an amazing new hatching device with three slots, so it will be easier to get the new pets! Additionally you will h. Ave a higher chance to obtain pets when you hatch eggs during this event! All unused turns from an installed double incubator will automatically transfer to the triple incubator when it is installed, so you will not lose any hatching turns. The event will go on for another 2 weeks.

Dear Players!This week we originally planned to add the flaxen mane to breeding and an additional horse slot, but we encountered some unexpected issues with the new horse slot and we need more time to test it to make sure that it works properly for everyone.For this reason, we've decided to begin the Easter event early this year and extend it to go on for 3 weeks! Starting today, you will be able to collect Easter Giftboxes from the track to obtain carrots, gems, as well a. S other valuable prizes. Dear Players!Today marks the end of the first Ranking Season! Congratulations to everyone who participated and climbed up the ranks! The second Ranking Season has now begun.

Every time a new season starts, your ranking points will be reset to the minimum amount for your current rank. If you are in the Bronze rank you will start a new season with 0 points, if you are in the Silver rank you will start with 1,500 points, if you are in the Gold rank you start with 7,500, and las. Tly, if you are in the Platinum rank, you will start with 24,000 points. The previous season, players would be placed in a ranking group depending on when they reached each rank, so this resulted in the most active players being placed in the same group. For this new ranking season, we have improved the system so that the ranking groups are more random, so active players will be more evenly distributed between different groups. This also means that this season you will more likely be placed in a group with different players.The second season will also have an interesting addition! Dear Players!This week we received a lot of reports about cheating in races, so we had to adjust our update plans and focus on improving the game's anti-cheat system so it could work more efficiently.

Alicia Online closed at the 13th February and is not longer available. I don't really know why they did this but some people said because Gametree (Puplisher from Alicia) had no money anymore xD But I think instead of closing Alicia, they should. I missed a few limited-time things (Halloween specials) but other than that, I take a look at the latest updates from October and November. Thanks for watchi.

We successfully detected and banned many cheaters that were using special software to unfairly gain an advantage in races. During the past week, the updated anti-cheat system was tested and all the logs were manually checked. We determined that the system is working reliably, s. O beginning tomorrow it will work completely automatically.

When the anti-cheat system detects that cheating software is running on a computer while the game is open, it will automatically block the account that is currently logged in. As of now there are the following types of penalties. Dear Players!We are planning to start working on the advanced horse behavior and ranch skills soon.

However, these new features can only be implemented after we fully optimize the ranch and make it work quickly and reliably. We have been working on several improvements for the ranch server which will be gradually added during the coming week. You might not see any significant changes in the game functionality during this time, but we expect that by the end of the next week, connection with the ranch server should become much more stable. Nonetheless, you should already be able to notice some minor improvements today, for example, the favorites list in the breeding system will now open without delay.Happy racing! Dear Players!Today we reached the final results of the voting on the new character eyes. We are happy that a lot of players actively expressed their opinions on this survey!

The 3 most popular eyes for girls and the 3 most popular eyes for boys have been selected by players, and our developers have already started to work on them! We're planning to add these eyes to the game when they're fully implemented.

We have also received several suggestions from players about possible. Eyes for the characters and the most interesting suggestions may eventually be created by our team and added to another survey in the future.

Note that some eyes that seem to be popular but didn't get enough votes this time might also appear in a future survey, so they still have a chance to be added to the game. We are also glad to see that a lot of players are happy with the new flaxen mane and tail! Therefore we decided that this color should be added to the game. However, before it's added, we need to make the decision about which coats should have this new gorgeous color. For this reason, today we're starting a new survey where players will be able to express their opinion about which coats should keep the flaxen mane and tail.We have also introduced a new feature in the survey system.

Now you will be able to use 'Like' and 'Dislike' buttons. We think it's important to add these buttons for this survey, because it will give us more detailed information about your opinion. Dragon quest viii ps2.

In order for the flaxen color to be added to a coat, it should have a significant amount of Likes and a low amount of Dislikes. If you really want the flaxen mane and tail to appear on a specific coat please leave a 'Like', and if you think the flaxen mane and tail don't fit a specific coat please leave a 'Dislike'. As usual, in order to vote, your character has to be at least level 10. The vote for the flaxen mane and coats combinations will be active for 2 weeks.

The results will be summed up on March 29th.Happy racing. Dear Players!In celebration of Women's Day, we have added Bonus Courses into the game! This means that for the next two weeks you will have a chance of getting double the amount of carrots and experience from racing! The chance of Carnival Auditions will also be much higher during the event.We have received lots of requests from the players to make it possible for the Mealy Bay and Sooty Bay horses to have white mane and tail. So, starting from today you will be able to bre. Ed foals of these coats with white mane and tail! Also today we are introducing a new tab on the Information panel called 'Horses', which will be used to test new features for the horses directly in the game.

This tab will work similarly to the Horse Rental tab in the Bonus menu, except that it will contain horses with experimental features. You'll be able to rent horses in this tab at any moment. You can access this tab using the 'Information' button located at the top right of your screen.Starting from today, in the 'Horses' tab, you can test new wonderful flaxen manes and tails!

Note that this is still a preliminary version of these manes and tails, and we'd love to hear your opinions and suggestion regarding this brand new color! Currently you're able to rent this new color for every horse coat, but if it is added to the game in the future, we will make a decision regarding which coats will keep this mane and tail based on players' opinions.

We hope you like new mane and tail color!Happy Women's Day. Dear Players!We are preparing to add new content to the game, and we wanted to create an accessible way for players to vote on some proposed features directly in the game. In the 'Information' panel, which can be opened by clicking the 'Information' button located in the top right of your screen, a new tab called 'Survey' has appeared.

Here, you will be able to 'heart' features that you support, to let the developers know what you think should be added to the game!Today we. Are launching the first test vote, where we invite you to evaluate several new styles of eyes for characters: 5 for girls and 5 for boys! Work on these eyes began in the original version of Alicia, but they were unfinished and require a lot of adjustments. By having our players vote, we will be able to determine what eyes you would like to see in the game the most. Our developers will fully complete and add the most popular eyes to the game, so that you can customize your character with these eyes in the future! All players who have reached level 10 can vote. To vote for the eyes that you like, click on the heart icon that is under an image.

During the voting period, you can change your mind at any time, and even remove your vote by un-selecting a heart. You can vote for several options at once. The vote is anonymous, but you can see how many players have voted for each option. Information about the total amount of hearts is automatically updated several times a minute.Voting will end on March 15th.We're eagerly waiting to see what you think about the eyes. Dear Players!In the future we are planning to add new content to the game, such as new coats, manes, and tails, and we would like to provide players with an exciting opportunity to preview potential future content developed by our team directly in the game, in order to receive feedback and hear what the community likes!This week we've implemented an experimental system which will allow players to try out new horse coats directly in the game! We think that a nice way for pla. Yers to preview preliminary horse coats is through the Rental System.

Starting today, we are going to test if this approach can actually work! In order to do this, we will be using the 4th slot in the Horse Rental tab. For now, we are adding a special zebra coat to test this new feature! In order to rent a horse with the zebra coat, go to the Bonus window in the top right of your screen, click the Horse Rental tab, select the zebra, and click the 'Rent This Horse' button. Drawn the painted tower friend or foe kids. In the future we may try to either expand the list of rental horses, or make a separate list to preview preliminary content in.Please note that we are not planning to add the zebra coat to the breeding system like other coats, because this coat is special and only used for testing purposes, however, we are already designing several other coats which will be added to the horse rental system in the future.In order to apply the changes simply relog.We hope you like this feature! Let us know if you have any interesting ideas or suggestions regarding new horse coats. Dear Players!Today we are introducing several improvements for the game.- Firstly, we are glad to announce that we fixed multiple issues in the Valentine outfits.

The upper chest area and shoulder area of the girls' dress would previously have errors like the character's shoulder clipping through and some visual errors on the chest part, as well as transparent areas like the sleeves being displayed incorrectly. These issues have been corrected, and now this beautiful dress. Should look awesome.There were also minor visual errors present on boys' outfit, like some clipping in the arms and neck, which have now been fixed.

Secondly, we improved the dirt displays on the horses. Previously mane could only be displayed as clean or dirty. Your horse's mane will now get dirty more gradually, the same way as the horse's coat and tail.

First the mane will get mildly dirty, and then very dirty.- Thirdly, we've also fixed issues with certain horse manes. Previously, dirt on the Spiky and Shaved manes would not be displayed at all, even though the game listed them as unclean. These manes will now display the dirt correctly, like all the other manes.- Lastly we improved the Accessories section of the Shop and Inventory.

You will now be able to zoom in your character's face when picking out an accessory!Happy racing. Dear Players!Love is in the air because of Valentine's Day, and to celebrate, we're introducing some brand new items to the game!Today we are adding several Valentine's-themed accessories to the shop! The Cute Pink Blush accessory for both boys and girls is sure to make your character look downright adorable, and will be permanently available in the shop. We're also adding a charming Romantic Red Rose and a Sweetheart Sticker accessories!

These items are perfect for players. Who want to show how much they love their friends! The Romantic Red Rose and Sweetheart Sticker accessories will only be available during the Valentine's Event.

In addition, today we are also adding a new experimental feature to the game which will allow you to customize your ranch. For the first time, you'll be able to place items on your own ranch in a location of your choice!

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we've made some heart-shaped balloons which will be used to test this feature. Simply stand in front of the place where you'd like the heart balloons to be placed on your ranch, and type '/valentine' in the ranch chat for the balloons to appear!

If you'd like to move the balloons to a different place on your ranch, stand in the new location and type '/valentine' in ranch chat again, and the balloons will be moved to the new place. Because this is a test, the Red Heart Balloons are free, but they will only be available during the Valentine's event and will disappear once the event is over. We will consider expanding ranch customization and adding more items in the future. Let us know if you like this new feature!Lastly, we're also adding the iconic Valentine's Day dress for girls and suit for boys to the shop for the duration of the Valentine's event, which will go on until February 24th.In order to apply the changes, simply restart your game.Happy Valentine's Day!. Valentine's Event and Bug FixesDear Players!This week we have fixed a very unusual bug, which also existed in the original version of the game. Previously, if you played as a male character, other players could sometimes see your face at the ranch incorrectly.

Specifically, after a male character whistled, sent an emoji in the chat, or sat in an afk pose, other players could see his face as their own face. For example, when playing as a male character, you could see other m. Ale characters with wrong eyes and lips, but more interestingly, when playing as a female character, you could sometimes see male characters with female faces! The problem became even more noticeable after we introduced public ranches and added accessories to the shop, because accessories for male characters don't fit female faces.

It was not easy to find the exact cause of this unusual issue, but after putting a lot of effort, we finally managed to fix it! Another bug that we've fixed today was not as noticeable, but still could've caused some confusion. Previously, when you entered Horse Care after racing, an icon could incorrectly display that your horse was 'Clean', even if it was dirty, or 'Satisfied' while it was hungry. Interestingly, this bug was also present in the original version of the game. We have introduced the necessary changes, and the icons in Horse Care should now be displayed correctly.Finally, Valentine's Day is coming soon, and to celebrate it, today we are adding Bonus Courses to the game! Bonus courses give you the chance to obtain double experience and carrots in races. Also, during the event, the chance of Carnival Auditions will be much higher.

The event will be active for two weeksHappy riding! Dear Players!Today we're introducing several fixes to the game.Firstly, we've made several improvements to various horse armors. The shininess of horse's coats previously would not appear when certain armors were equipped, such as the Star Knight set, Rudolph set, and the Platinum League set. Now, the horse coat's shine will appear on all armors. We've also added a girth to the Carrot Chaser's saddle to make the saddle more comfortable for the horse. Finally, we also made. Some improvements to the Rudolph set.


Previously, some parts of the armor deformed incorrectly while the horse was moving, such as the chest strap, and the headpiece that is near the horse's ears. These parts should now move correctly. We've also improved the armor's shield to make it look nicer! Additionally, we've fixed an issue where dirt on horses would not be properly displayed in a race room, and a horse would only appear dirty to it's owner when they tried to clean it. Other players in a racing room could sometimes see dirt on a horse while the rider could not.

Also, dirt would not appear at all on horses that had the Ghost Knight armor set equipped. Both issues have been fixed and dirt will now be displayed correctly for all players.Lastly, the emblem system has also been improved. Previously, if you removed or selected a different emblem, other players would not be able to see the changes unless they reentered the ranch. Now, as soon as you remove or switch your emblem, everyone else in the game will be able to see the correct one.We hope you find these fixes helpful. Dear Players!Today we are adding two new hairstyles to the game, one for male characters and one for female characters! The White Half Braided Hair for girls is the perfect hairstyle for Lunar New Year, as the white color nicely pairs with many festive outfits, and it also has a traditional Korean daenggi (댕기) ribbon placed on the back!

Additionally, the Side Swept Ash Brown Hair for boys is sure to make your character handsome and eye-catching! These hairstyles will be permanently available in the shop.We hope you like these new hairstyles!